Grunge Ipa

Grunge IpaAlc.: 6,3% Style: American Ipa Malts: Pale, Crystal Hops: Columbus, Cascade, Centennial, Amarillo The Grunge Ipa presents a lovely charged amber colour tending towards red. The head is white, solid and has a good lacing retention…

Grunge Ipa

Alc.: 6,3% 
Style: American Ipa
Malts: Pale, Crystal
Hops: Columbus, Cascade, Centennial, Amarillo 

The Grunge Ipa presents a lovely charged amber colour tending towards red. The head is white, solid and has a good lacing retention.

Engaging and catchy, it releases - at the same time but with an excellent balance – sweet malt fragrances and strong hop aromas with clear call-backs to tropical fruit and refreshing resinous, herbal and pine needle notes. The malted profile initially prevails on the taste, sweet and caramel, leading towards this beer’s trademark: the hoppiness.



GOLD MEDAL | Mondial de la Bière, Mulhouse 2013

SILVER HOP | FederBirra 2015, Best Italian Beer